Harmonious Healings Holistic Healthcare

Natural Healing for your Life!

A message from Dr. Kevin Gyurina

Welcome, I am excited and thrilled that you have arrived!

DR. KEVIN GYURINADoctor of Chiropractic
– Certified Wellness Practitioner
– Certified Neuro-Emotional Technique Provider
– Contact Reflex Analysis
– Applied Kinesiology
– Koren Technique Specialist
– Multi-form Reiki Master
– Advanced Bio-Structural Correction Certified
– Center Point Therapeutics Master Teacher
– Bioresonance Tools and Technology provider
– Wellness Consultant & Strategist, Speaker and Connector

I know you want to improve the quality of your life.
That’s why you’re here.

Being healthy and well is a multi-dimensional space to focus on in ones life. Sometimes just having the vision of what the better life looks like is not enough. Aligning with the reality you want for your mind and body to work well as well as create and live a beautiful life. requires engaging and investing in positive growth and guidance. Their are examples found throughout nature, specifically in the wisdom of the laws of the seed.

Cultivating and supplying the proper environment for the seed to blossom and express its inherent qualities ( health and vitality) is the aim here at Harmonious Healings. This is accomplished by addressing the four foundations ( an internal and external shift of life) that when balanced and harmonized the natural result is a greater relationship of yourself with yourself, which means you being more of you. And when you have greater love and harmony for yourself within your world is reflected externally to you so that your life experience is greater love and harmony.

The body-mind-being services at Harmonious Healings Holistic Healthcare  provide assist you in rediscovering and expressing the amazing natural power already within you.

Why would you want that?

If you have felt stuck in how you health care is going, perhaps plateaued or backwards, perhaps you just need some guidance or something to get you to the next positive step. Take an action here, particularly if you want natural and holistic solutions to live more congruently with a natural and holistic lifestyle.

Schedule your consultation, Tell me your story and we will take the next step if there is alignment and agreement. This will be a time to deepen your connection with yourself and in that the process, the next step to your path of natural healing will be revealed. This will then open up the door for us to discuss and plan for what a season of learning, unwinding and balancing will look like.

Our consultation time together will create clarity as to what our blueprint will be to express positive growth for the good of your life.

Take one step and I will see you on the other side.

Love and Regards,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina

What Others Are Saying

Here some stories from Dr. Kevin’s clients

Join in and Watch  Unwinding Stress Episode Number One

~ Align Your Mind, Body and Being ~
Optimize Your Nervous System, Balance Your Inner Structures, Purify Your Being,
Enhance Your Knowledge and Wisdom

Put It Into Play and 
Live Again To Your Fullest!

Your Pain Has Purpose

Harmonious Healings Holistic Healthcare

Kinesiology & Natural Neurology
(Brain, Nerves, Organs & Meridians)

Spinal & Musculo-Skeletal System
(Posture and Structure Correction)

Bioresonance technology provider and 
Biofield Energy Healer

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