Human Health Policy

Above all this clinic and it’s representatives honor the creative force within, bestowed to us, because we are alive we have this within. The same energies that aid in healing the scrape on the knee and the broken bone once the cast is on, the same force that is operating millions of functions in the trillions of cells without us thinking about it is the quality of life this clinic is aiding in expressing. Through methods that permit detecting and following its wisdom assisting the provider to aid. Through this assistance we are able to facilitate processing stressors, providing leverage and honor the human being and its natural function to the expression of its fullest potential allowing one to live in accordance to their divine potential!

To attend live healing, group, training, or workshop sessions in person the following is a requirement:

Be free to breath:

If you bring a mask you will be asked to remove it. The evidence is clear that in regards to human health , the mask is harming you by limiting oxygen, inhaling toxins, re-breathing your own waste and bringing unnecessary toxins into the environment due to the build up on the mask material

Be pure-blood, as best as you can:

If you have received an injectable that is a genetic modification biological experiment called COVID vaccination or flu vaccine since 2020 you are required to wait a period of 9 months since your last injection before being permitted to be present in person during any sessions. why this length of time?  Please send inquiry to, a response with links, professionals, data, articles and opinion pieces will be forwarded. Thank you for your consideration.

There is strong evidence supporting that the result of the injection is that those who chose that route are now producing proteins and emitting nano-technology that has recently been identified as harmful to human life. Want references and details? Please send inquiry to, a response with links, professionals, data, articles and opinion pieces will be forwarded. Thank you for your consideration.


These policies are enacted to preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the genetic integrity of the doctor as well as all those that he interacts with during and after a session, class and/or workshops.