Dr. Kevin Gyurina
About Harmonious Healings
Meet Doctor Kevin: Unwinding Stress Episode One
My heart lead me to follow opportunities where many would look elsewhere.
The challenges and difficulties I found myself in became the silver lining and the path to greater levels of physical health, fulfillment, peace and happiness.
Gaining in-depth knowledge and ability lead me to heal myself and now the passion to share my amazing experiences and insights with others is my calling.
And as it is said….
“Physician, Heal thy self”
I had become aware that I have a talent to help others, yet I was ill and had to restore my body, heart and mind first.
I took this seriously … and I am happy to say struggles lead to success and I have realized there is a continual unfoldment of self actualization!
My personal journey has taken me to various points around the world, and because of these experiences I have developed a unique perspective, as well as a mastery of multiple chiropractic and energy healing modalities, which have led me to create my own unique style.

Just writing to let you know I had the BEST sleep last night. Last night was one of my favorite adjustments yet and I left feeling peace. You know when there’s no work to get done, there are no worries in the world, the weather is perfect, and you’re floating in a warm, calm, sea? I felt sort of like that even though I was fully aware there’s work to be done and the weather was rainy. Thank you also for helping me get back to the active lifestyle I value so much without paying the price of pain afterwards. The results of my care with Dr. Kevin are invaluable … I feel great!

I started seeing Dr. Kevin about 7 years after I had lower back surgery. I had days where I couldn’t even move let alone stand up straight or exercise. After seeing Dr. Kevin, I haven’t felt this good in years. I was skeptical about chiropractors and was hesitant to see one. Dr. Kevin got rid of all of my skepticism and I am so glad that I went. I cannot recommend Dr. Kevin enough. He has not only relieved me of my back pain but since I began my adjustments I have also not had a migraine. Do yourself a favor and go meet with Dr. Kevin. You will be glad you did!

My 7-year-old son was suffering with fluid trapped behind his eardrum for about 4 or 5 months and nothing was able to clear the fluid. We tried everything the pediatrician recommended, even antibiotics. We were told the next time that this happened he would need surgery. After 3 adjustments the fluid was gone! The pediatrician said it was a miracle. I am so thankful!