Do You Accept My Insurance? I'm often questioned if this office accepts insurance. The quick answer is no. Usually this is immediately followed up with a question of why. Why do you not accept any health insurance or 3rd party pay at the office? There are great answers [...]
Protected: Teddy’s Transformations Nutrition Program
Dr Kevin2021-11-22T09:53:58-05:00This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:
Dr Kevin2022-12-02T10:50:55-05:00The Nature of Nutrition Today, much of our produce is grown on mineral deficient soil, and food manufacturers refine out most of the remaining nutrients. Various chemicals and preservatives are then added back in. For most, it is impossible to eat as healthy as we should, [...]
Energy Healing
Dr Kevin2022-12-02T10:53:35-05:00Neuro-Emotional Technique NET is used by to help physical problems that have an associated stress component and it is also often a factor in chronic and hard-to-resolve conditions Each of us has experienced unpleasant events in our lives, and in most cases, we process these experiences [...]
Chiropractic Therapy
Dr Kevin2023-07-28T13:02:17-04:00What is Wellness Chiropractic? Your body contains an internal wisdom; it has lots of names, though many call this Innate Intelligence. This intelligence understands how to coordinate every aspect and function of your brain and body in relation to your life. Problems develop from physical, mental-emotional [...]