To all my followers and readers of this blog post.

There is something that I have required of myself to accomplish. Below is a letter to a community of people that helped me on my first  personal chiropractic missions trip to Cambodia. Everything you need to catch up is below with the links to the story, videos and pictures.

If this is first time to the topic of Distance Healing, Read this to understand more. Distance Healing – Is it Hocus Pocus?

My Helpers, Friends and Family from another Mother… Thank you for giving me kindness and help in a time if need!


Sam , family and me

Feb, 27th, 2015

Gratitude and appreciation to all that supported Sam, his family, the local Cambodian villagers and I last year on our personal mission of Creating Goodness. Such an amazing experience!!!

If you are new or just want to catch up, check out the videos and pictures here on my Face Book page. (

The money raised allowed me to travel to Cambodia, pay for the children’s school for 5 months and keep the family feed. In fact the gratitude they showed when I arrived and gave them the money was priceless!!

In essence, for Sam, his family and I then goal we posted on here was “shooting for the moon.” While his dream of being a personal tour guide is still unfolding or even expanding, we have realized that a smaller step and more attainable goal was a better first step…. so here’s the plan.

At this moment, Feb 27th, Sam is traveling to another city on the coast to check out a possible job opportunity. But we have a backup plan and Sam will require $500 US dollars to attend a commercial driver’s license class, which when complete will give him the ability to get a consistent job where he can support his own family and save for a bigger dream.

I also would like to raise an additional $200 US dollars to support them with food and school expenses while Sam is working towards getting his license. But this is a priority as Sam tells me.

We thought this was a good two part plan and to thank those that donate I am offering my personal services.

Regardless of where you are in the world I can help you. (Unsure how? Read this:

Additionally, if you already donated, I know who you are. Contact me and I will donate my time back to you for your assistance.

Here are the steps

  1. Contact me through gofundme ( ), or go to my webpage ( and click directly to appointments section ( to fill out the details and I will receive an email.
  2. Make mention of the gofundme campaign for Cambodia
  3. I will contact you and arrange a free session when the donation is confirmed.
  4. Donations will correlate with our time spent together. Donation of $25.00 will receive 30 minutes, $50.00 will receive 60 minutes or if you like to donate $100.00 or more we can arrange additional sessions.
  5. Encourage your friends and family that may need some healing assistance to donate, I will help them too!

If this is first time to the topic of Distance Healing, Read this to understand more. Distance Healing – Is it Hocus Pocus? (

Thank you for your help!!

Please Share this and spread the love. Everyone we help increases the consciousness of all!!


Dr. Kevin