My good friend and certified Law of attraction coach, Michael Gross, is opening up spots for his Increasing Your Positivity Course.
I’ve done it and I can say it is spectacular and I highly encourage your attendance!!!
Read Michael’s email blast below
Blessings and Best regards
Dr Kevin
Are you looking to live your dream? 
It all starts with being positive.
After my last Increasing Your Positivity course, many of the participants wanted to continue.
Therefore I have decided to create a daily positivity coaching program. I’ve seen what it can do for others and I’m certain it can help you achieve your goals.
Be Your Own Wingman
Live Your Dream
Daily Positivity Coaching
Increasing your positivity is the most important element to achieving any goal or manifesting any desire. And it requires PRACTICE.
Are you…
- Stuck in Transition.
- Wanting to grow your business and increase your finances.
- Desiring to lose weight and get healthy.
- Seeking to improve your relationship or begin a new one.
- Searching for a better job.
- Looking to live your dream life.
It all starts with improving your positivity.
What you’ll receive with the training.
1. A daily email. Each day, you will receive an email from me
containing the practice I’m doing that day. Each practice will take between 1 minute and 10 minutes to complete.

Each practice is designed to help you increase your positive energy and improve the vibration you are sending out.
2. Individualized Coaching. This is the heart of my program. You will email me after completing the practice and if you like, include a brief thought or feeling about the exercise. I will respond to any questions, thoughts or emotions that come up and customize practices for you. You will have daily access to me to keep you motivated, focused and moving in a positive direction.
3. Increased calmness, clarity and confidence.
Participants have reported feeling…
- Less anxious and depressed.
- Better control of their thoughts and emotions.
- Increased awareness of their vibration.
- More empowered and more focused on their goals.
- Improved hopefulness of attaining those goals.
- Enhanced ability to reverse negative moods.
“…by the time our first month together ended, I was on an upward trajectory enjoying greater success than I had dared dream about. By the second month I dropped 20 lbs., was enjoying vibrant energy and health, and my business success began setting records, winning me bonuses, awards and recognition. Your program was a real blessing.”
Phil Italiano
“I look forward to your email every morning, wondering what the exercise is for the day, and always feeling so much better after doing it. The program has definitely made me feel more positive, more focused, and believing that I can achieve my goals”.
Sue G.
“Since starting your course I have become active, more mindful about eating and I have lost 14 pounds. I do believe I can and will work my way through all things and am dramatically more aware and awake to all possibilities. I have also made the decision to return to Ireland to live and everything has fallen in place to allow this to happen for me”.
MJ O’Brien
MJ O’Brien
“It helped me to create a habit of stopping once a day, look at what path I am on, and reset my internal compass towards positivity”.
Jim B.
Pat Luciotti
“Awesome, your coaching and your program have been awesome”.
Donna S.
“Can’t thank you enough, after 2 months on your program, I left my job and started my own consulting practice. It’s been going great and I couldn’t be happier. Love your daily emails, keep them coming”.
Cliff Hirschhorn
“Your words of encouragement keep me going. Many mornings I have awakened down, pushed through by doing your daily practice, and noticed my mood lifting. I am so grateful for your coaching.”
Carol W.
“It’s been wonderful for me, and my children. I do your practice in the morning and then again with them when I pick them up from school. I notice we all laugh more, and they seem calmer and less agitated.”
Cindy S.
This unique investment in your future is…
$275/3 months or $500/6 months.
The results will be priceless.
To sign up for this course, send me an email with your name and preferred email address. I will send you a Pay Pal invoice.
I look forward to helping you live the life of your dreams!
Michael S. Gross,
Certified Law of Attraction Coach
Phone: 856-287-7990
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