Becoming Your Own Healer Workshop Replay

Becoming Your Own Healer Workshop Replay


A live interactive, experiential workshop webinar replay to learn the method to access your ability to improve your own physical, mental and energetic life.



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If you can agree with the following statement then you will greatly benefit from the following workshop:


Imagine subtlety cutting your hand with a knife on accident. Upon basic self care and cleanliness, you hand will completely heal in a matter of a days. Therefore, your body has natural healing ability.
Do you agree or disagree?


If you agree, read more below and join in, because there is a wonderful world on accessing the internal force that guides this ability in your body.


Awareness: The pains and problems in life are just signs and your body is wanting you to listen and take action in new ways.
On November 22nd you can learn how to access, listen to and use the power that your internal healer is waiting to provide you.


Becoming Your Own Healer does not teach a technique. It is an experiential workshop to reveal your own inborn ability to communicate with the powerful natural healing force that is within.
Upon attending this workshop you will:
– develop your ability to communicate effectively with this force .
– access your natural skill to process and release causes to pain and problems in life.
– find answers to problems that you desire to solve.
– assist your loved ones in times of need.
– all natural and holistic method to improve your daily life


In the BYOH workshop we will be training on the science art and philosophy of an”energetic” detection system based on traditional methods of dowsing, applied kinesiology and Chinese medicine.
Regardless of the healing method, traditional or alternative, physical or in the “field”, there is a way to ask questions and get accurate responses to bring about the desired result.
Pain and problems are indicators. The issues to be resolved show up in four layers of interference to the life that you want.


Expressing a life of increased joy, happiness and fulfillment what IS accessible to you and you can learn for yourself now.


I share this because I am inspired by the rising tide principle. All ships rise with the tide.
Therefor as I bring “the waters” of consciousness to you, we all rise!!!
Learn to decode your pain through the awareness, awakening and healing system and develop your natural ability to Become Your Own Healer


*Instant access provided on payment to the members only internet dojo


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