
Giving Your Body What It Requires

By |2015-06-21T14:05:42-04:00June 21st, 2015|Health|

It has been stated that the cause of sickness and disease is only one of two things. Either you have to much of something that pollutes your body or not enough of what is required. What you chose to put in and around yourself (foods, chemicals, thoughts, people and or experiences) is directly correlated to your health now and in the future. Watch a clip from Dr. Chestnut as he explains a bit in more [...]

Energy and the Human Blue Print

By |2014-11-12T07:13:36-05:00November 12th, 2014|Wellness|

Have you ever seen a video showing how you were born.... from conception to birth....  the period of 9 months you go through many amazing transformations and it's just the beginning. It is an Absolute Wonder How do these cells know exactly what to do? How do they know where to go?What instructs each individual cell to form groups which in turn specialize to become the heart, lungs, skin and every other body part you [...]

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