
Why Do You Do What You DO

By |2016-03-20T12:32:48-04:00March 20th, 2016|Wellness|

All of us have something that we want. The question I have for you is, WHY do you want it? Is it just for yourself, or do you want to bring happiness, joy and or goodness to others? Read this statement below I received from a friend and consider your personal situation. Blessings and Best Regards, Dr Kevin Each one of us must choose to be conscious of our actions and to be a part [...]

Afformations: The Key You Require

By |2015-12-09T17:54:27-05:00December 9th, 2015|Wellness|

In a previous article about Affirmations, there's details on how to provide language (aka reprogram)  the subconscious aspects of your mind. You see our subconscious mind is offering thoughts during a given event that originate from your childhood, when you were taught what being human is like, to match the events you are currently experiencing. But what happens if that subconscious language you were taught is negative, glass half empty, type of thinking and communicating? [...]

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