Offers & Opportunities

  • Sale!

    90 Day Healing Program 360

    Original price was: $2,397.00.Current price is: $1,500.00.

    90 Day 1 on 1 Healing Program

    • ​Feel Better, Move Easier, Breathe Fuller, Think Clearer and Live to Your Greatest Potential!!!

    • ​Once a week 30 min sessions (12 weeks)

      that include:

    Posture & Body Structure Correction:

    Advanced Bio-structural Correction What Is ABC?


    Mental - Emotional Balancing:

    Neuro-Emotional Technique &

    Other Mind-Body Methods



    Lebowitz Protocols Contact Reflex Analysis

    Toxin Elimination & Nutrient Identification ($6280.00 value)


    Now $1500.00

  • Sale!

    90 Day Healing Program 720

    Original price was: $4,795.00.Current price is: $3,000.00.

    90 Day 1 on 1 Healing Program

    • ​Feel Better, Move Easier, Breathe Fuller, Think Clearer and Live to Your Greatest Potential!!!

    • ​Once a week 30 min sessions (12 weeks)

      that include:

    Posture & Body Structure Correction:

    Advanced Bio-structural Correction What IS ABC?


    Mental – Emotional Balancing:

    Neuro-Emotional Technique &

    Other Mind-Body Methods


    Lebowitz Protocols Contact Reflex Analysis

    Toxin Elimination & Nutrient Identification ($6280.00 value)


    Now $1500.00


    AO Scan identifies specific frequencies in the human body. Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 Vibrational Frequencies for healthy cells and organs have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of each cell and organ is, we can assist in determining the causes of an individual’s health status. Every cell and organ in the body has its own distinctive Vibrational Frequency. These frequencies are the same in every healthy cell or organ. When these frequencies show as disrupted, it is an indication that the system isn't functioning properly. Whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, the result is shown as a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death. AO Scan uses these frequencies to compare them to the individual's scanned results and provides a detailed report. Our software has a compiled database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. Call or text Dr Kevin at 856-359-6005 for assistance ordering and accessing your own AO scan device
  • A live interactive, experiential workshop webinar replay to learn the method to access your ability to improve your own physical, mental and energetic life.

  • Welcome the world of Center Point Meditation (CPM).

    CPM is a soft and smooth (yet fast and efficient) meditation technique designed to work in a fast paced world. On a continuous basis the tension in our body is constantly being filled. Because of the biology within us this tension can build up without you even having to move a muscle. Examples include: overthinking, anxiety, depression, worrying, speculating, emotional feeling, instinctive feelings, empathetic feelings, and caring about people and animals.

    What if I told you there was a way for you to empty this type of tension in a matter of seconds?

    Sounds impossible, I know, I thought the very same thing. But after years and many hours of practicing CPM, with my self and with others, the results have not only shown its benefits first hand, but it’s also become predictable and repeatable over and over. The coincidences were too many and too consistent for me, that I had to put the information down on paper and do my very best at sharing this to as many people that I can. It is that important to me. The book comes as a PDF, which you can read on any device. The book is a prerequisite for the guided CPM workshops that we will be giving. At these workshops we will train you to efficiently and effectively use CPM on a daily basis for things such as mental balance and assessment, body and mind relaxation, and instant pain relief. After downloading the book, you will gain access to a CPM group website and a facebook group where I will be doing live demonstrations of the technique and will be able answer any of your questions. The best way, however, to learn it is by doing, and attending a guided workshop in order to be certain you understand it so well that you can use it as a tool for the rest of your life. I am currently working with Intuitive Mind Solutions to create a certification program in which I will be giving private lessons to people who want to teach CPM to others in workshop locations around the world.

    Soon CPM workshops to be available globally. I’m looking forward to meeting you all soon. Stay relaxed everybody.



    Try it Out and Learn a Lot for a Little - Sign Up For the Workshop Demo

  • The Power of Crystals

    Black Tourmaline is grounding, protective, calming, and purifying. It helps protect against electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) in our environment, inflammation in animal and humans as well as optimize purification and detoxication. Sleep and many other concerns have also been shown to be much better with the application of tourmaline infused products.

    Tourmaline is an excellent stone to use in meditation facilitating a calming of the nervous system. When ground down to dust sized particles the impact and effect has an exponential ratio. which means , it become more effective!!

    Therefore, each garment is infused with hundreds of thousands of particles of Tourmaline crystal. The crystal is permanently bonded to the fabric and will not wash out. These feel incredible to wear!  Read on to discover the benefits...

    Tourmaline absorbs body heat, converts it into far infrared energy, and then re-radiates that energy back into the body. It also generates negative ions, creating a therapeutic energy field.


    Use Code "DrKevinG" for 10%off

  • Decode Your Pain: How to Make Sense of Your Symptoms and Start Living Your Best Life by Dr. Kevin Gyurina Whether it’s new, chronic or recurring, physical mental or emotional, pain can stop you in your tracks. The good news is, there is a reason for your pain. Life is trying to tell you something. You just need to get the message.
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