Stressed – You Can Be The Doctor
You can be the Doctor - Share this on your social media. The World needs to see it.
You can be the Doctor - Share this on your social media. The World needs to see it.
Your body is made up of many parts (muscles, bones, nerves, organs) and every part is made of up of smaller and smaller ones (molecules, atoms, subatomic particles). This goes on infinitely Ask any quantum physicist, or Benoit Madelbrot. (also watch this movie, The Colors of Infinity, for a deeper understanding) Just like the human body, our world and our universe goes on infinitely. In fact we are just like pianos. Consider our reality is [...]
Identifying what is going on in your mind requires a level of awareness that is more sophisticated in observation of the self than what you have been taught. Seeing your world, your experiences, your attitudes and feelings towards others and what you perceive to be in the eyes and hearts of other people in your life is what needs shifting for personal growth and increased life satisfaction.
You landed in the right area... you will soon start to get into my head about health, wellness, alternative (really traditional) healing techniques as well as products and programs that enhance your mind, body and life. These philosophical realizations, life experiences, programs and products changed my life from a sick, over-weight, addicted individual to a happy, healthy, fit and focused health professional. So if you can handle opening your mind, learning about new ways of [...]