Distance Healing

Have You Seen Evidence of Distance Healing?

By |2019-11-21T13:01:27-05:00May 14th, 2015|Health|

More than likely, you have put little to no thought into the topic of distance healing, but most people, if not all, are doing it or have done it. There are varying levels of abilities and skills but everyone has the capability within them. Focused intention, or prayer, continues to be demonstrated time and time again as having a positive effect on health outcomes. There have been studies complete on the effects of positive intention [...]

Trade You: Personalized Life Coach Session for……

By |2015-03-23T19:57:11-04:00March 23rd, 2015|Health|

To all, new readers and followers of this post. There is something that I have required of myself to accomplish. Below is a letter to a community of people that helped me on my first personal chiropractic missions trip to Cambodia. Everything you need to catch up is below with the links to the story, videos and pictures. If this is first time to the topic of Distance Healing, Read this to understand more. Distance [...]

Free Distance Healing

By |2015-02-27T11:45:39-05:00February 27th, 2015|Wellness|

To all my followers and readers of this blog post. There is something that I have required of myself to accomplish. Below is a letter to a community of people that helped me on my first  personal chiropractic missions trip to Cambodia. Everything you need to catch up is below with the links to the story, videos and pictures. If this is first time to the topic of Distance Healing, Read this to understand more. [...]

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