Universal Law

Why Do You Do What You DO

By |2016-03-20T12:32:48-04:00March 20th, 2016|Wellness|

All of us have something that we want. The question I have for you is, WHY do you want it? Is it just for yourself, or do you want to bring happiness, joy and or goodness to others? Read this statement below I received from a friend and consider your personal situation. Blessings and Best Regards, Dr Kevin Each one of us must choose to be conscious of our actions and to be a part [...]

What have you chosen to fill your mind with?

By |2015-10-06T21:00:00-04:00October 6th, 2015|Wellness|

Your mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions. ~Oliver Wendall Holmes So what are you choosing to fill your mind? NFL stats? Celebrity gossip? Talk shows and the latest on who got eliminated on which ever dance or sing show? Ask yourself Is this information helping me attain what I truly desire for myself and my family? Here's what I Fill my Mind With Here is the link to an [...]

Everythng is Perfect – Riding the Sine Wave

By |2015-02-25T23:45:14-05:00February 25th, 2015|Wellness|

*This is the first article I wrote for this blog a few months ago, but I am realizing it is so relevant today that I wanted to get out again!! Happy reading. When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt back you head and laugh at the sky We live our life in cycles but have you really spent time 'zooming out your thinking' when considering these life cycles and events. Are you [...]

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

By |2014-10-26T08:00:00-04:00October 26th, 2014|Wellness|

Identifying what is going on in your mind requires a level of awareness that is more sophisticated in observation of the self than what you have been taught. Seeing your world, your experiences, your attitudes and feelings towards others and what you perceive to be in the eyes and hearts of other people in your life is what needs shifting for personal growth and increased life satisfaction.

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