
The Path to Health and Happiness

By |2016-01-04T17:13:11-05:00January 4th, 2016|Wellness|

RelationShips, It all comes down to perspective.   Relation Ships" The real secret of an incredible relationship has absolutely nothing to do with the other person. It has to do with you. You can only love as much as your heart is capable of loving. Not just that person but anything. There's only one door to the heart. You can't keep it closed to all kinds of people and all kinds of things and all [...]

Be Yourelf

By |2015-12-24T13:47:08-05:00December 24th, 2015|Wellness|

When someone is there self, being authentic, it's refreshing. There's a quality of confidence, certainty, fun, warmth, lightness all around an individual such as this. Honesty is a Quality of the Light. When someone talks about the "light" what they mean , knowingly or not, is that they are referring to the principles, aspects and laws of life that express goodness, rightness,kindness, compassion, you know ... the qualities of life. (oppositely we have darkness, heaviness, [...]

Do You Seek Truth?

By |2015-10-31T12:00:00-04:00October 31st, 2015|Wellness|

"As long as there is breath in my body I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth." This is a promise I made to myself at 19 years of age. The path it has led me on has been beautiful, ugly, disastrous and wonderful, but what I have realized is that I am on the ever-progressing positive realization and experience of my life. Following this instinct, to seek truth, has led me [...]

You Can Awaken Certainty

By |2015-10-27T23:00:00-04:00October 27th, 2015|Wellness|

Within the energy of pure Light, there is no such thing as doubt. Therefore, if we have any kind of uncertainty in our thoughts, in our being, in the way we respond to circumstance, then it’s our ego at work. Like any other cycle of life and death, in our existence the cycle of trust and doubt is present. Up & Down, Yin & Yang, Life & Death The Rhythm of Life Symbols, Mathematics, Astrology, [...]

Your Infinite Nature

By |2015-02-18T17:00:00-05:00February 18th, 2015|Wellness|

Your body is made up of many parts (muscles, bones, nerves, organs) and every part is made of up of smaller and smaller ones (molecules, atoms, subatomic particles). This goes on infinitely Ask any quantum physicist, or Benoit Madelbrot. (also watch this movie, The Colors of Infinity, for a deeper understanding) Just like the human body, our world and our universe goes on infinitely. In fact we are just like pianos. Consider our reality is [...]

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