
Drugs Never Result In Health

By |2015-03-10T20:00:32-04:00March 10th, 2015|Health|

There you are, a guest in someones house, you're in the bathroom and you happen to notice that the medicine cabinet is slightly open... You take a look inside, just a little one, and it is full of pill bottles, various prescriptions and topical medicated creams. What's your first thought? "Wow this person is healthy!!" This is never the response!!! You see, we all know that medications and whatever pharmaceutical drugs do not equate greater [...]

Is Your Mind Out of Contol?

By |2015-03-06T15:48:36-05:00March 6th, 2015|Health|

You have a "Monkey Mind" as one my mentors' calls it. Essentially what is going on is that you have a belief about something in your life. you have created a story. Now, something that you are perceiving is out of balance with that story. Ego is offended and is attempting to find or create a story so that it can have it's way resulting in your greater peace. But if this story is false, [...]

Medical Doctors and Chiropractors… Who Knew?

By |2015-02-06T18:41:45-05:00February 6th, 2015|Health|

Since chiropractic’s inception in 1895 there has been an unique understanding of the crucial relationship between the integrity of the spinal column and the function of the nervous system as a whole and specifically the tissues and organs that they supply. The interrelatedness of the spine and nerve system--even way back then--was evident in its simplest of understandings. It was this basic observation that led to the profession of chiropractic focusing on the function of [...]

I Have Cancer

By |2014-11-27T06:53:29-05:00November 27th, 2014|Health|

It's true, in fact I've had cancer multiple times... and so have you! That sounds like a crazy statement,  but in fact you are dealing with cancer everyday of your life... all without knowing it. The truth is, contrary to popular belief, cancer is a natural process that is occurring in every living organism. Cancer is defined as an abnormal function cell. This happens all the time, but it is the job of the immune [...]

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