Distance Healing – Is it Hocus Pocus?
Distance Healing - Is it Hocus Pocus? http://wp.me/p52Bti-6s Share to Assist Others
Distance Healing - Is it Hocus Pocus? http://wp.me/p52Bti-6s Share to Assist Others
"you have been taught to believe something about your life and the way the world works.... is it true?"
Consider the idea of simply being the conduit, the connection for the universal healing, life, innate, to flow and act through you, to guide your actions and result in the intention set out by you and the client. Be the facilitator of love and the client to be the receiver of love. The client's individual aspect of innate will guide, we, the healer, must become great listeners and allow ourselves to follow the guidance with [...]
Your body is made up of many parts (muscles, bones, nerves, organs) and every part is made of up of smaller and smaller ones (molecules, atoms, subatomic particles). This goes on infinitely Ask any quantum physicist, or Benoit Madelbrot. (also watch this movie, The Colors of Infinity, for a deeper understanding) Just like the human body, our world and our universe goes on infinitely. In fact we are just like pianos. Consider our reality is [...]
I came across this story a long time ago and the truth of it continues to comfort me in times of challenge. I firmly believe and have experienced that we are here to assist one another but that the beauty of life is understanding that you too are transforming and emerging at different times of your life. For many people these past few months, and possibly years, are one of these times. A Butterflies Story [...]
Have you felt like there have been a lot of personal challenges recently?? I have and so have many others who are on this similar journey. I've heard this a lot..... "I have been trying so hard to let it go" or " I feel stuck" And that's good right now because it's is perfect. Why? Well in my opinion we as a whole, as a collective consciousness we are all in this together and [...]
Any goal in life, desire, or intention can be compared to climbing a mountain...
It's been a few weeks since I have written and I have been wondering how does that happen? We all have similar experiences so let me share a bit of mine. I have recognized as I go through different transitions through my personal growth of betterment journey that occasionally everything gets shaken up. Sometimes that shake up can rock you to the core!! In this case, for me, what I intended resulted in me moving [...]
Have you ever seen a video showing how you were born.... from conception to birth.... the period of 9 months you go through many amazing transformations and it's just the beginning. It is an Absolute Wonder How do these cells know exactly what to do? How do they know where to go?What instructs each individual cell to form groups which in turn specialize to become the heart, lungs, skin and every other body part you [...]
Today I want to briefly take a look at a deeper more subtle level of who we all are. This may sound a bit...