
About Dr Kevin

My personal journey has taken me to various points around the world, and because of these experiences I have developed a unique perspective, as well as a mastery of multiple chiropractic and energy healing modalities, which have led me to create my own unique style.

Have Yo u Heard of “Chosen People”?

By |2015-11-04T00:14:18-05:00November 4th, 2015|Health|

I read this today..... ...The idea of the “chosen people.” What he said is that those of us with a spiritual consciousness, those of us who are able to look at each day for the energy and opportunity for growth that lies within it, are “chosen” to bring Light to the world, to be vehicles of kindness, acceptance, and human dignity. To use the phrase “chosen people” means that we’re chosen for a job, and [...]

Do You Seek Truth?

By |2015-10-31T12:00:00-04:00October 31st, 2015|Wellness|

"As long as there is breath in my body I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth." This is a promise I made to myself at 19 years of age. The path it has led me on has been beautiful, ugly, disastrous and wonderful, but what I have realized is that I am on the ever-progressing positive realization and experience of my life. Following this instinct, to seek truth, has led me [...]

What Happens When You Live in Love?

By |2015-10-30T12:37:38-04:00October 30th, 2015|Wellness|

Have you ever heard the term energy can neither be created nor destroyed? This is what the scientists and researchers throughout time have come up with. True or not, it seems to hold up these days. Energy is. Energy remains. In the same way, love is. Love remains. Love is a force that can neither be diminished nor destroyed. It is one of greatest or perhaps even the greatest power that can exist on this [...]

You Can Awaken Certainty

By |2015-10-27T23:00:00-04:00October 27th, 2015|Wellness|

Within the energy of pure Light, there is no such thing as doubt. Therefore, if we have any kind of uncertainty in our thoughts, in our being, in the way we respond to circumstance, then it’s our ego at work. Like any other cycle of life and death, in our existence the cycle of trust and doubt is present. Up & Down, Yin & Yang, Life & Death The Rhythm of Life Symbols, Mathematics, Astrology, [...]

Affirmations: Getting What You Want

By |2015-10-27T16:45:04-04:00October 27th, 2015|Wellness|

Using the Universal Law of Repetition, affirmations are used as a tool in creating a mindset that allows healing and life energy to flow in your life. The below affirmation is a complimentary gift to you to assist you on your journey to wellness and fullest potential. [youtube] If you would like a downloadable version, go to, enter your email address, go to your inbox, follow the directions and then listen and enjoy. [...]

Have you Ever Asked, “Why Me”?

By |2015-10-18T13:00:00-04:00October 18th, 2015|Health|

After reading this article, which I post below the revelation can to me. The Goal The life circumstances and events that come to you are required. They allow to become congruent to receive the goal you have set out. But most people are getting caught up with Why did this happen, this is happening because you need to be in alignment with the vision set..... but there is a requirement. Knowing there is a positive [...]

What is the “Light”

By |2015-10-17T10:03:59-04:00October 17th, 2015|Wellness|

The ancients define the Light, also known as God, as infinitely giving, infinitely imparting, infinitely fulfilling. The Light is the energy of peace and clarity; of health and financial abundance; of affirmation, love, and relationships; of every blessing we could ever hope for. In fact, when we use the word “Light,” we mean everything we can possibly imagine that is wonderful. The purpose of studying is to learn how we can connect to the Light [...]

Being Open and Present: A Short Story

By |2015-10-13T12:49:55-04:00October 13th, 2015|Wellness|

A good friend of mine was having a particularly low moment. Shortly after both her mother and her dog passed away, she realized that her romantic relationship was dying, too. One morning as she was walking to the local deli to get her usual iced coffee, she suddenly felt overwhelmed by the loss of her mother and her pet. Fighting back the tears, she asked herself something, not out of acting the victim but from [...]

You Can FInd Peace: Raw & Uncut Ep 10

By |2015-10-11T13:00:00-04:00October 11th, 2015|Dr Kevin YouTube, Health|

What is peace? Finding peace withing requires a quiet mind. Watch below and listen to my description of my process and how to develop awareness of issues that are causing you lack of peace. One More Thing I value feedback. It allows me to understand how I am doing for you. So reach out and let me know, here's my contact and comments page Enjoy the revealing process. Blessings, Dr. Kevin

Love: Raw & Uncut Ep 9

By |2015-10-09T21:30:00-04:00October 9th, 2015|Dr Kevin YouTube, Health|

In this Episode of Raw & Uncut I reveal a few additional thoughts regarding the topic of love in our life, in music. What is Love, this Tone, this Vibration, this Energy? We have termed it Love, but the feeling, within.... sit there for a moment Recall the highest, greatest remembrance or vision and feeling of love in your life, Breath with it. Find out what happens when you think about, say and feel love!!!! [...]

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