Discursive Meditation
This practice develops patience, peace and clarity in ones heart and mind and serves you in ...
This practice develops patience, peace and clarity in ones heart and mind and serves you in ...
I have a personal quest to find products that help me be my best. They serve the requirement of assisting the body in optimizing function. Though many use supplements as natural drugs in times of crisis, when supplementing appropriately, finding and identifying the right nutrient or combination of nutrients can enhance ones life tremendously!!! Nootrope Nootrope is the base word for Nootropics, a Greek word meaning 'Towards the Mind'. These are compounds that are both [...]
For those getting interested or becoming aware of various healing modalities, Pranic healing has become a well known name. Every time one gets to learn from a master there is increasing depth, knowledge and ability towards providing betterment to others. This style of healing affects the layers of the non-physical aspects of who we are, yet have an effect on our physical structures in the way of emotional, physiological and environmental circumstances. Review the video... [...]
As human beings, we generally see the cup as half empty: It's a survival response and is a component of the reptilian brain. But it is also taught to us, or encouraged in out behavior these days. Many people think it's the default response, but it is of a low vibration, a lower point on the scale of emotional/mental energy. Many times one immediately judges another for their faults, aka, differences. We usually start by [...]
There is much healing required around the 5th chakra. Through my third eye, a brilliant blue light becomes present in this point of a healing session, signifying a clearing of stuck/subluxated energy. What is the Next Step Many have an experience in their third eye vision, AKA, the sights one sees in their eyes when closed during a healing session with various Reiki and Quantum healing modalities. But what is needed beyond the session is [...]
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, [...]
At some point in your life, you've thought, "How can I change that, what can I do about that?" especially in the light of the recent events in France Here's the simple answer: Make sure you are a clear channel. or perhaps better yet, ask yourself, "What Can I do today that adds positivity today?" Questions These are the kind of questions that come up when one is assisting the world in becoming a more [...]
I received a question a few days ago and I wanted to share my response with everyone. Of course maintaining privacy, read below for my answer to ….. HOW DO I FIND MY DESTINY? Dear subscriber, Thank you for your question and I value your time in asking. Here's my opinion. Destiny, in my belief is multiple. So if one chooses to look at life negatively, there is a negative destiny's awaiting you. But if [...]
I've been reading a fascinating book that someone lent to me over the past two weeks. I have a few more chapters to go but there is a few messages that I feel would be wise to share. This will be the first of a few writings I a putting together as a result of reading this book!!! Transformation While reading this book I have noticed a transformation being undertaken. There is nothing that I [...]
Consider the following: The universe is talking to us all the time. The people around us can be messengers, channels for that Creative Force, which constantly desires to share and assist us on our way. The problem is that usually we have our visors down. We don’t hear, we don’t see. We aren’t open and ready to really listen to what is being communicated to us. Right In Front Your Nose Often times the answer [...]